Roadmap to Development & Certification of Hydrogen Blended Gas Detection Equipment
- Status:
- Complete
- Project Reference Number:
- NIA_CAD0028
Project summary
- Funding mechanism:
- Network Innovation Allowance
- Research area:
- GD - Future of gas
- Technology:
- Environmental
- Expenditure:
- £150,000
The cross sensitivity problem could be solved with a hydrogen resistant / null hydrogen CO sensor, but so far a survey instrument that uses this type of sensor has not been identified. This project is therefore needed to engage with instrument manufacturers to stimulate the market to develop and certify suitable equipment for use on networks where hydrogen might be present
The proposed method for engaging with industry is as follows:
The proposed method for engaging with industry is as follows:
1. Develop technical specification for new gas detection equipment needed for blended gas
2. Identify any suitable instruments/ sensors on the market
3. Share gas detection work completed with industry in workshops to be hosted at HSL
4. Share gas detection challenge with industry through CoGDEM and in workshops to be hosted at HSL
5. Link with European projects including engagement with European projects looking at blending gas to ensure a common approach to instrument development
6. One to one conversations with equipment manufacturers to fully understand the technical challenges and timescales for equipment development and certification
This work will seek to:
• Remove barriers to implementation of blended hydrogen solution
• Develop a technical specification
• Simulate the market
The aim of HyDeploy is to collect the evidence to show that if hydrogen is added to natural gas the blend can be safely used on the existing UK gas network. This work will form a major part of the assessment of how feasible it is to manage the safety of a hydrogen blend in the grid due to the importance of leak detection as a key safety control measure, thus this work will inform decisions about utlising hydrogen blended gas at a national level. It is essential to establish a gas detection solution now to avoid delay in the future.
The proposed method for engaging with industry is as follows:
The proposed method for engaging with industry is as follows:
1. Develop technical specification for new gas detection equipment needed for blended gas
2. Identify any suitable instruments/ sensors on the market
3. Share gas detection work completed with industry in workshops to be hosted at HSL
4. Share gas detection challenge with industry through CoGDEM and in workshops to be hosted at HSL
5. Link with European projects including engagement with European projects looking at blending gas to ensure a common approach to instrument development
6. One to one conversations with equipment manufacturers to fully understand the technical challenges and timescales for equipment development and certification
This work will culminate, by the end of the year, in a roadmap to development and certification of appropriate gas detection equipment.This work will seek to:
• Remove barriers to implementation of blended hydrogen solution
• Develop a technical specification
• Simulate the market
The aim of HyDeploy is to collect the evidence to show that if hydrogen is added to natural gas the blend can be safely used on the existing UK gas network. This work will form a major part of the assessment of how feasible it is to manage the safety of a hydrogen blend in the grid due to the importance of leak detection as a key safety control measure, thus this work will inform decisions about utlising hydrogen blended gas at a national level. It is essential to establish a gas detection solution now to avoid delay in the future.
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